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Nieeeeeee! Zabili nas!

Below is the transcript for a Werewolf game started on Fri Oct 30 07:57:11 2020 EDT

Game created by marmarmar.
nightmara has joined the game.
marmarmar has added bot ingamar.
marmarmar has added bot Laveta.
marmarmar has added bot Erin.
marmarmar has added bot Sherman.
marmarmar has added bot Sierra.
marmarmar has added bot Leandra.
marmarmar has added bot gordan.
marmarmar has added bot Hui.
marmarmar has added bot Inge.
marmarmar has added bot Silas.
marmarmar has added bot Petronilla.
marmarmar has added bot Joanna.
marmarmar has added bot Merci.
marmarmar has added bot Crystal.
marmarmar has added bot Julio.
marmarmar has added bot Alfie.
marmarmar has added bot Kaitlynn.
marmarmar has added bot krishnah.
The Game is starting.
Our village consists of three werewolves, a seer, a protector, and fifteen villagers.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Julio has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Laveta votes to lynch ingamar.
Crystal votes to lynch ingamar.
Petronilla votes to lynch ingamar.
Inge votes to lynch ingamar.
Merci votes to lynch ingamar.
Erin votes to lynch ingamar.
Krishnah votes to lynch ingamar.
Joanna votes to lynch ingamar.
Ingamar votes to lynch Silas.
Hui votes to lynch Silas.
Erin changes her vote from ingamar to Silas.
Inge changes her vote from ingamar to Silas.
Silas votes to lynch ingamar.
Kaitlynn votes to lynch ingamar.
Sierra votes to lynch ingamar.
Leandra votes to lynch ingamar.
It is decided! Ingamar is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Ingamar was not a werewolf.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Kaitlynn has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Hui votes to lynch Laveta.
Sierra votes to lynch Laveta.
Gordan votes to lynch Laveta.
Petronilla votes to lynch Laveta.
Joanna votes to lynch Laveta.
Sherman votes to lynch Laveta.
Leandra votes to lynch Laveta.
Laveta votes to lynch gordan.
Erin votes to lynch krishnah.
Hui changes her vote from Laveta to krishnah.
Leandra changes her vote from Laveta to gordan.
Crystal votes to lynch gordan.
Merci votes to lynch gordan.
Petronilla changes her vote from Laveta to gordan.
Joanna changes her vote from Laveta to gordan.
Inge votes to lynch gordan.
Sierra changes her vote from Laveta to gordan.
Alfie votes to lynch krishnah.
Krishnah votes to lynch gordan.
It is decided! Gordan is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Gordan was not a werewolf.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Erin has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Leandra votes to lynch Hui.
Sierra votes to lynch Hui.
Merci votes to lynch Hui.
Joanna votes to lynch Hui.
Krishnah votes to lynch Hui.
Sherman votes to lynch Hui.
Petronilla votes to lynch Hui.
Crystal votes to lynch Hui.
It is decided! Hui is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Hui was not a werewolf.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Joanna has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Leandra votes to lynch krishnah.
Krishnah votes to lynch Silas.
Inge votes to lynch Silas.
Sierra votes to lynch Silas.
Silas votes to lynch krishnah.
Alfie votes to lynch krishnah.
Merci votes to lynch krishnah.
Crystal votes to lynch Silas.
Inge changes her vote from Silas to krishnah.
Sierra changes her vote from Silas to krishnah.
Crystal changes her vote from Silas to krishnah.
It is decided! Krishnah is to be lynched!
Post-mortem tests indicate Krishnah was a werewolf!
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Sierra has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Silas votes to lynch Petronilla.
Crystal votes to lynch Petronilla.
Leandra votes to lynch Petronilla.
Inge votes to lynch Petronilla.
Alfie votes to lynch Petronilla.
Sherman votes to lynch Petronilla.
It is decided! Petronilla is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Petronilla was not a werewolf.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Alfie has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Laveta votes to lynch Merci.
Leandra votes to lynch Merci.
Merci votes to lynch Sherman.
Sherman votes to lynch Merci.
Inge votes to lynch Sherman.
Silas votes to lynch Merci.
Crystal votes to lynch Sherman.
Silas changes his vote from Merci to Sherman.
Laveta changes her vote from Merci to Sherman.
It is decided! Sherman is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Sherman was not a werewolf.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Crystal has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Leandra votes to lynch Merci.
Laveta votes to lynch Merci.
Silas votes to lynch Merci.
Inge votes to lynch Merci.
It is decided! Merci is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Merci was not a werewolf.
It’s nighttime–everyone, close your eyes.
Werewolves, open your eyes.
Werewolves, pick someone to kill.
Werewolves, close your eyes.
Seer, open your eyes.
Seer, pick someone to ask about.
Seer, close your eyes.
Protector, open your eyes.
Protector, pick someone to protect.
Protector, close your eyes.
Everyone, open your eyes–it’s daytime.
Laveta has been torn apart by werewolves!
Talk among yourselves and vote on whom to lynch. Once a majority is reached, the game will resume.
Inge votes to lynch marmarmar.
Leandra votes to lynch marmarmar.
Silas votes to lynch marmarmar.
It is decided! Marmarmar is to be lynched!
Postmortem tests indicate Marmarmar was not a werewolf.
There are as many werewolves as there are villagers.
The werewolves rise up and slaughter the remaining villagers before nightfall.
The werewolves have won!
Leandra, Inge, and krishnah were the werewolves.
Erin was the seer, and Merci was the protector.
The game will terminate in thirty seconds.

10 odpowiedzi na “Nieeeeeee! Zabili nas!”

Napewno kiedyś był taki bug, że gdy się to włączyło, pierwsza runda była ok, potem była wietrznie noc i nikt nie mógł nic zrobić.

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